Children's Services

Manitoulin Family Resources believes quality children’s services’ programs revolve around building positive relationships through the four foundations set out in the Ministry of Education’s “How Does Learning Happen?”, ensuring a sense of belonging, well-being, expression and engagement for our children and families.  From home-settings to centre-based care to access to child development programs and resources, we help parents find the connections that are the right “fit” for their families’ and their children’s needs.

EarlyON Child and Family Centre

Our EarlyON Child and Family Centre provides early learning opportunities and parent education to promote socialization and child development. Programs are highly accessible with no formal registration, no fees and include a wide variety of programs for different age ranges and personal interests. We help strengthen adult-child relationships, support parent education, and access a network of resources by offering The Power of Positive Parenting (Triple P) Seminars, Tip Sheets, one-on-one sessions as well as Group sessions; Children See Children Learn, Parent tips for ages 0 – 6, and more. Our Centre is operated by trained Early Childhood Educators, offering families and children a place to meet, learn, and grow together.

A program of Manitoulin Family Resources.

Why Access the EarlyON Child and Family Centre ?

  • To create opportunities for children to play, make friends, and socialize in a safe environment
  • To meet other parents
  • To connect with other services such as child care, preschool learning, and child development
  • To receive support and resources
  • To help prepare children for school readiness and easier transitions

The EarlyON Child and Family Centre is located at 9050, Unit D Hwy 6. Outreach programs are also available in the communities of Mindemoya, Manitowaning,, and Gore Bay.

EarlyON Monthly Calendars

Early ON monthly calendars and weekly calendar updates are posted regularly on our Facebook page.

EarlyON Calendars on Facebook

Early ON monthly calendars and weekly calendar updates are also posted regularly on our Instagram.

EarlyON Calendars on Instagram

Child Care

We want to make sure that families can find convenient, affordable childcare that is right for them, which is why Manitoulin Family Resources has options to suit your needs. Child care activities at each of our centres provide children with early learning play opportunities focused on the interests and development of each particular child. Each of our child care options are compliant with the Ministry standards, and are governed by the Ontario Child Care and Early Years’ Act. Subsidies are available to qualified applicants through the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board.

Centre Based Child Care

We operate licensed Early Learning and Care Centres. Our Little Current Site offers part-time, full-time, and before and after school care for children  ages 18 months up to 13 years.  Our Mindemoya Site offers part-time, full-time, and before and after school care from infancy up to 13 years. Both Centres are compliant with the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Child Care and Early Years Act, and are staffed by qualified Early Childhood Educators (R.E.C.Es). Our centres focus on each child’s individual learning style and interests, relying on the foundations of belonging, well-being, expression, and engagement. Our centres are designed to be reflective of the needs of the families and children who join us each day.

Home Based Child Care

We oversee a network of licensed home child care providers located throughout the region. Home based child care offers an affordable, flexible option for parents who prefer to have their children in a small, residential setting.

All homes are inspected and approved, are monitored regularly and must comply with the Ontario Child Care and Early Years’ Act and local regulations. Home based child care providers are offered ongoing professional development through Manitoulin Family Resources. Contact us to find out more about home based options or to inquire about becoming one of our licensed facilities.

Subsidy Information

Subsidies are available, follow the link to find out if you qualify for a child care subsidy through Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board or please contact MSDSB.


Pay For Child Care Services

For your convenience we accept childcare payments by Direct Payment at any Bank of Montreal or by Cheque on site of Centre Based Locations or mailed into main office in Mindemoya.

Building Bridges Program

This program offers age-specific group programming to children who have been exposed to violence against women in their homes. Programming is available through “closed groups” where children of a similar age can be together in a confidential and safe setting to learn about abuse and staying safe, and that abuse is not their fault. These truths are learned through activities that inspire healing in a safe and fun way. An interview is held with a counsellor prior to a child starting this program to ensure that the child will be placed into a group that feels safe for him or her. Groups are held for children between the ages of 4 and 16. When possible, a concurrent group is held for the mothers participating in the Building Bridges Program. This allows moms to know exactly how information is shared with the children and to have the support of one another as they are facing the challenges in helping their children overcome exposure to violence.
The moms’ group is also a closed group, which allows for the building of trust and friendship as the weeks unfold.

An alternate group for mothers of infants and preschoolers is also in development. “Mothers in Mind” is a trauma-informed parenting group for moms who have been victims of trauma or violence in the past. Moms attend the parenting group with their infants and preschoolers with other moms who have faced similar challenges and want to focus on being empowered parents. Each session provides child development materials such as children’s books that moms take home at the end. Mothers in Mind is also a closed group with a trained facilitator. An interview is held with the facilitator prior to starting in a group to ensure confidentiality and emotional safety.

The Building Bridges Program and Mothers in Mind have no cost to participate.

Triple P - Positive Parenting Program

Triple P is a parenting program, but it doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. It’s more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose the way you want to use them. It’s all about making Triple P work for you and your family.

What Does triple P Do?

The three P’s in ‘Triple P’ stand for ‘Positive Parenting Program’ which means your family life is to be much more enjoyable.

Triple P helps you:

  • Raise happy, confident kids
  • Manage misbehaviour so everyone in the family enjoys life more
  • Set rules and routines that everyone respects and follows
  • Encourage behaviour you like
  • Take care of yourself as a parent
  • Feel confident you’re doing the right thing

How Do You Do Triple P's Positive Parenting Program?

Because all families are different, Triple P has a range of ways to get your positive program. Choose anything from single visit consultations to public seminars; group courses to private sessions. You can even do Triple P Online, at home or wherever you like!

Give us a call for more information on Triple P parenting or
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