Manitoulin Family Resources
To support individuals and families by providing resources, advocacy and education through the agency’s three program areas of Violence Against Women Prevention, Children’s Services, and Emergency Food Assistance.

Ontario Native Women's Association Honours September 30th Orange Shirt Day

Every Child Matters
Without accountability there can be no trust in the future being different, of the past not being repeated. Manitoulin Family Resources stands in support of those demanding accountability for all children whose lives were taken or harmed by the existence of the residential schools. The past must be acknowledged; the future must be different.
How We Can Help
Violence Against
Women Prevention
We support and protect women experiencing abuse, act as advocates for their safety, and ensure that they have access to resources to rebuild their lives after violence or abuse.
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We provide reliable and affordable child care options, learning opportunities, and emotional support, for children in the Manitoulin region.
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Emergency Food
We provide support to families and individuals through a Food Bank and Thrift Store staffed by dedicated volunteers.
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Upcoming Events and Programs
Building Bridges, and Mothers in Mind programs
Manitoulin Family Resources offers and take referrals on an ongoing basis for support programs. To find out more on about our programs, follow the link below.
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